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in virtue of meaning in Hindi

in virtue of sentence in Hindi

के आधार पर
in    अंदर का सत्तारूढ़
virtue    प्रभाव बल भलाई
of    स् का की पर बाबत
1.Human actions are morally praise or blameworthy in virtue of our autonomy.

2.They have done so before, but never precisely in virtue of their wealth.

3.He also adopted Italian citizenship in virtue of an Italian grandmother.

4.But the good man is so called in virtue of a single absolute excellence.

5.In virtue of this intellect, we can " intend ".

6.For dimension 2, there is a rich structure in virtue of the absence of Desargues'Theorem.

7.In virtue of his position as Archbishop of Toledo, he was also Primate of Spain.

8.The soul and body interact and agree in virtue of the pre-established harmony, maintained by God.

9.In virtue of a brief of Alexander VIII ( 1690 ) they ceased to be discalced.

10.In virtue of his new position, Katschthaler also held the title of " Primas Germaniae ".

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